Lesson Three – What Do You Think Happens Next?

Extra Classroom Materials:
15-45 min
Strategies Emphasized:
- Reasoning
- Logical Thinking
- Pencils/Pens
- Speculation Consequences
- Drawing Inferences
Lesson Overview:
This activity involves the identification of objects that need or use electricity. The instructor may find it effective to use after group discussion, formal classroom experience, or introduction to information on the Electric Universe. Adjust the vocabulary and activities to grade appropriateness.
Whole Group Instruction:
[Say aloud] We’ve talked about famous inventors and the importance of their inventions in our modern lives. This discussion will center on having you guess at the ending to these scenarios/stories. I encourage you to think of all the varied and unusual ways the stories might continue, and to make creative choices when asked to give your own opinions.
1. Terry and John were playing a board game one night when the lights went out. “It must have started to storm again,” said Terry. What clues did Terry have? (heard thunder; saw flashes of lightning; strong winds brush tree limbs against roof).
2. Think of all the great inventions (we’ve talked about/you’ve read about). Which one do you think that the world could best be without today? (Varied answers)
3. You’ve been invited to a famous scientist’s lab to see a wonderful new machine. The machine invents things that are “needed in the world.” You are given the opportunity to choose the first thing to be invented by the machine. What would you choose and why? (Varied answers)
4. “It sure was easy to finish my homework tonight,” said Ann, as she turned off her mom’s computer and the desk lamp. “I bet schoolwork was hard back in the `old days.'” What are some differences that Ann may have been thinking about? (No electric power for computers, lamps, etc.; no central heat! Varied answers)
Student participation and ability to generate varied and unusual responses.